BMW E36 VIN location

BMW E36 VIN locationVIN (Vehicle identification number) is a unique vehicle code consisting of 17 characters. In the code provides information about the manufacturer and the characteristics of the vehicle and the year of issue. Code structure based on ISO 3779-1983 and ISO 3780. Identification numbers applied to one-piece components of the body or chassis and a specially made license plates

E36 VIN - places location
1. on the right mudguard;
2. on the right front shock absorbers;
3. on the upper surface of the transverse stabilizer of a front suspension;
4. on the lid of the fuse box and on processors of the control ignition system and automatic transmission;
5. a special bracket on the instrument panel in the area of the lower left portion of the windshield;
6. map of car Assembly on the frame of the rear seat cushion;
7. on the left of the Central rack or on the end surface of the left front door;
8. on the gear housing;
9. the main body of the radio;
10. on the frame of the front seats;
11. on the inner surface of the front Board of the body;
12. on the beams bumpers under a decorative panel.

BMW E36 VIN location